Speaking for Ourselves

MV member speaks out about not having the right to vote

MV member speaks out about not having the right to vote


 Migrant Voice - MV member speaks out about not having the right to vote

On Sunday 8 December, The National published an article about migrants who have made Scotland their home but who are unable to vote in the general election on 12 December.

The story, by Karin Goodwin, led with the voice of Susana Garcia, a Migrant Voice member and Mexican national who lives in Glasgow with her Scottish husband and daughter.

"I see messaging around immigration that is so dangerous for people," Susana says. "And in this election it feels clear that our opinions don’t matter in the UK. I feel like a second-class citizen."

Read the full article here.

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VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

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