Speaking for Ourselves

Migrants and Migration Post Brexit conference Glasgow

Migrants and Migration Post Brexit conference Glasgow


 Migrant Voice - Migrants and Migration Post Brexit conference Glasgow


Migrant Voice is delighted to invite you to our Glasgow conference ‘Migrants and Migration Post Brexit; finding our voice to influence the new landscape’ on January 23, 2017/


This event brings together migrant communities in Scotland with experts on migration, equality, activists, artists, academics, the media and others. The Minister for International Development and Europe- Dr Alasdair Allan will be our key speaker. 

This will be an action oriented event, with workshops with journalists which focus on how to get migration stories told; opportunities to experience mock up interviews in radio and tv studios; opportunities to understand the process of filming, reporting and challenging hate crime and xenophobia; opportunities to explore the challenges for migrants’ rights and influencing this new landscape.?

This is the first Migrant Voice Conference in Scotland - this event will go to the heart of these issues and explore ways forward and most importantly seek to build alliances and share understanding. 


Recent migrants, those from within long established communities with a migratory history in Scotland and those simply seek to engage and support are all welcome to this free event.


After the conference, there will be an early evening family focused schedule where we will the launch ‘A Story in a Poem’ project, there will be dance performances by Maryhill integration Network and a multicultural ceilidh and delicious food. The poetry launch and evening schedule will take place in the Students Association building.


Sign up for some of the day, come along to all of it - you will be made welcome!

Get in touch

Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity
Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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