Speaking for Ourselves

MV newspaper 2015

MV newspaper 2015


 Migrant Voice - MV newspaper 2015

After a number of successful street distributions in London, Birmingham and Glasgow, we also want to invite you to get involved. Get a bundle of newspaper for your organisation or event, or get creative and help distribute in other ways in your local area – it could be to your library, your café, your neighbours.

We have a van which can deliver a minimum of one bundle to you, so please get in touch to arrange delivery. You can email your request to info(at)migrantvoice.org

Help us get more migrant voices heard.


Immigration is high on the news agenda and is being presented by some politicians as a burden on the country, feeding fears and fuelling prejudice. There are 7.8 million foreign born nationals in the UK but they are largely underrepresented in mainstream British media.

Our research reveals that migrants’ voices are heard in only one in eight media stories on migration. Many of these articles reflect critical, sometimes explicitly negative, attitudes – not only towards migration policies but also migrants themselves.

Far from the idea that debating migration is off-limits, it turns out that the only people ‘banned’ from discussing it are migrants themselves.

Here, we place migrants at the centre of the debate and let them tell their stories.

We found that over 90 per cent of migrants feel at least partially integrated into British society yet feel totally excluded from the political conversation about migration. When politicians make ill-informed comments it creates distrust on both sides. Yet – thankfully – the vast majority of Britons feel positive about the migrants they encounter in their daily lives, and the feeling is mutual.

Migrant Voice aims to address the lack of balanced and accurate representation in the media and celebrate the contribution migrants make to the UK. Our paper includes vibrant, engaging and moving stories, created and distributed by migrants.

Nazek Ramadan Founder, Migrant Voice 

To read the full paper: http://bit.ly/1GYTI9M

To request printed copies of the paper, please email info(at)migrantvoice.org

Get in touch

Migrant Voice
VAI, 200a Pentonville Road,
N1 9JP

Phone: +44 (0) 207 832 5824
Email: [email protected]

Registered Charity
Number: 1142963 (England and Wales); SC050970 (Scotland)

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