Speaking for Ourselves

Our report on the impact of the Dublin Regulation

Our report on the impact of the Dublin Regulation


 Migrant Voice - Our report on the impact of the Dublin Regulation

Europe’s Dublin Regulation gambles with the lives of vulnerable people fleeing the world’s most desperate circumstances. And it's coming into force again now. Read and share our report detailing first-hand the harrowing experiences refugees face in Europe. 

The Dublin Regulation (the “Regulation”) is a European Union law defining the EU member state responsible for processing asylum seeker applications from those looking for international protection. 

It has provided a Europe-wide fingerprint database, with the aim of preventing applicants from submitting applications in multiple member states, and reduce the number of asylum seekers being routinely moved between member states. The country in which the asylum seeker first applies for asylum is responsible for either accepting or rejecting the claim, and the asylum seeker may not restart the process in another jurisdiction.

For several years Migrant Voice has worked with, and highlighted the stories of, a wide range of asylum seekers and refugees from different backgrounds, circumstances and countries of origin. During this time, the Regulation has frequently been identified as a source of stress, confusion and perceived unfairness by many current or former asylum seekers.

From these case studies and a review of external data we have concluded that the Dublin Regulation does not provide an appropriate framework for the dispersal of asylum seeker applications within the European Union.

The views expressed by our respondents, and our experience with asylum seekers over many years, have helped form our call for the following outcomes, directed to the European Parliament, European Commission and member states. 

Recommendation 1: An immediate suspension of all Dublin transfers

Recommendation 2: Increased monitoring and reporting 

Recommendation 3: A commitment to transparency

Recommendation 4: Granting due weight to connections

Recommendation 5: A broader definition of familial connection.

Recommendation 6: The creation of a Single European Asylum Application

Read Migrant Voice's investigation of the Dublin Regulation

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N1 9JP

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